HOME- ARP Allocation Plan

In September 2021, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced the appropriation of $5 billion, under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, to provide housing services and shelter to individuals experiencing homelessness, and other vulnerable populations. The funds were allocated by a formula to jurisdictions that qualified for HOME Investment Partnerships Program funding. HOME-ARP aims to provide homelessness assistance and supportive services through several eligible activities.
Eligible activities include:
- acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter (i.e. shelter that provides individual private space for guests)
- tenant-based rental assistance
- supportive services
- development of rental housing
- administration and planning
- nonprofit operating and capacity-building assistance
HOME-ARP funds must assist people in HOME-ARP designated "qualifying populations”, which include:
- Sheltered and unsheltered homeless populations
- Those currently housed populations at risk of homelessness
- Those fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence or human trafficking
- Other families requiring services or housing assistance to prevent homelessness
- Those at greatest risk of housing instability or in unstable housing situations
The New River Valley HOME Consortium has been allocated $2,161,332.00 through this appropriation. To receive funding, the Consortium, with the support and leadership of the Town of Blacksburg Housing staff, is required to develop and submit a HOME-ARP Allocation Plan to HUD. The Plan must describe the intended distribution of HOME-ARP funds and identify any preferences for eligible activities. The development of the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan must be informed through stakeholder consultation and community engagement.
To identify qualifying populations' priority needs for the action plan, the Consortium along with a HOME ARP Advisory team conducted a survey of those working with or a part of the HOME ARP qualifying populations. This survey identified the following:
- There is a feeling that the NRV is not serving any community very well, although those best served are those experiencing domestic violence and single-mother households.
- Those households with compounding risk factors (language barrier, compounding medical factors, substance abuse, or criminal record) are not being served as well.
- The top three barriers to accessing homeless services named were lack of available, affordable housing stock, transportation, and lack of available shelter capacity.
The needs assessment also identified a large need for over 5,000 rental units for households earning between 0-30% of the area median income.
Therefore, the NRV HOME Consortium proposes to apply $1,772,294 of its HOME-ARP allocation to the development of an affordable rental project with support services that will create approximately 15 – 25 new units to meet the housing needs of qualifying populations. The Consortium plans to partner with New River Community Action, a local non-profit to own and manage deeply affordable rental property. As this will be their first experience with residential property management, they will be provided support through the allocation of $108,066 (5%) for Non-Profit Operating and $108,066 (5%) for Non-Profit Capacity Building. Administration and Planning funds of $172,906 (8%) will be used by the HOME Consortium to cover administrative costs such as dedicated staffing and planning costs such as consultant fees.
Members of the public are invited to comment on the draft allocation plan during the 30-day public comment period of 2/26/23 – 3/28/23.
- Check out the plan by clicking here or in the documents section on the right-hand side of this page.
- Then complete the survey below to share your thoughts.
Comments can also be given:
- by e-mail to: housing@blacksburg.gov
- by phone at (540) 443-1613
- by mail to Housing and Community Connections, 303 Wilson Ave., Blacksburg, VA 24060
- or in person at the scheduled public meeting of the HOME Consortium Board on 3/23/23 at 2:30 pm at the Pulaski Innovation Center, 6580 Valley Center Dr, Fairlawn, VA.
Accommodations for people with disabilities and non-English speaking residents will be provided upon request.