What changes were made between the initial two and final Hand-in-Hand playground design?

    Based on the feedback received regarding the initial design concepts, the following changes were made to the playground design:

    • The final design combines the preferred attributes from both versions of the initial design concepts. The number of respondents that liked version 1 vs version 2 was pretty even. 47% of the respondents preferred Version 1 with the rickety bridge, tire swing, and merry-go-round, while 45% prefer the merry-go-round and zip line. The remainder of respondents chose ‘Other’. The comments revealed a preference for the zip line and rickety bridge as compared to the merry-go-round and tire swing. There were some concerns regarding the safety and maintenance of the zip line. Based on additional conversations with Leathers (the playground designers), the Town staff feels more comfortable about its level of safety and the simplicity of part maintenance and replacement. 
    • The new design incorporates space for an accessible wheelchair swing (see more detail in Q2). There were several concerns related to the accessibility of the playground. Removing the merry-go-round and tire swing allowed the space needed to accommodate the accessible swing.
    • The final design includes a few more imaginative playground elements including the ship swaying deck and the imaginative storefront/playhouse near the entrance. 
    • The gray castle turrets were also changed to green, in response to comments that they were neither bright nor natural in color. 
    • The final design moves the sign back to the original location to open up the view of the playground and to allow for the inclusion of more imaginative playground elements.

    We hope that we have found a good balance between the varied interests and concerns shared and our available budget.

    What features will be accessible to those with disabilities? Is there an elevated (non-mulch) route to the accessible play features?

    The level of accessibility will differ based on the disability. However, the final playground schematic shows which playground features will be accessible via ramp and which are considered accessible ground-level, play equipment. In addition, the Town of Blacksburg received a donation of a wheelchair swing. The Town of Blacksburg will install the swing after the completion of the rest of the playground by Leathers. The swing will be installed in the open area (on the left of the Artists Concept) near the ramp entrance due to the amount of space needed to accommodate the playground feature.

    What materials will the playground be made of?

    The main materials will be a variety of recycled plastic lumber. The new playground will be easier for the Town of Blacksburg to maintain and should last for a minimum of 30 years with proper maintenance. The playground will be designed and constructed to the current ASTM F1487 and & CPSC Pub.325 safety standards and current ADA requirements.

    What is the Town doing with the existing fence pickets?

    The Town of Blacksburg will install the playground fence once Leathers has constructed the new playground. The Town plans to clean up and then reinstall the existing personalized pickets as part of the fence. If existing personalized pickets are damaged as part of their removal and re-installation, a new one will automatically be made.  

    Can I purchase a new personalized fence picket?

    YES!  If you want to purchase a new personalized picket to be included in the Hand-in-Hand playground fence, please complete and send this form along with a $75 check payable to the “Town of Blacksburg”. Pickets may be engraved with the name of your child, grandchild, or any special person you choose. Families may use their family surname, and non-profit organizations may use their name. Pickets can accommodate a maximum of 12 letter spaces.

    Why did the Town choose to go with wood chips over rubber flooring?

    The Town of Blacksburg has chosen Engineered Wood Fiber as the playground surface. EWF is an organic safety-surfacing product recommended for use in playground areas. It is spun from the inside of trees, not the bark. It is compliant with special needs guidelines because it packs down into a smooth surface. The International Playground Equipment Manufacturer’s Association, IPEMA, certifies it and it complies with ASTM International Safety Standards.

    There is a huge difference between EWF and rubber flooring in terms of functionality, maintenance, and cost. The poured rubber flooring is 12 times more expensive and harder to maintain. The Town has decided, at this time, that it is preferable to ensure a wider variety of playground equipment with the available budget rather than to invest in the poured rubber flooring and reduce the diversity of features. Using EWF does not preclude us from transitioning to a poured rubber surface in the future.

    What is the Town doing with the existing trees?

    The Town of Blacksburg plans to keep all healthy trees. The Town of Blacksburg plans to work with an arborist to assess, prune, and limb the trees in and around the playground to ensure their health for many years to come. The Bradford Pear in the center of the playground will be removed because this tree variety is prone to breakage during weather events once the tree matures.

    What is happening with the parts from the old playground?

    Several people expressed interest in the wood and playground parts of the existing playground. For liability reasons, we cannot let citizens have wood from the existing playground. The Town will be keeping all non-wood playground elements to potentially incorporate them in other parks within the Town.

    When will the old Hand-in-Hand playground be dismantled?

    The Town will begin dismantling the old playground starting March 1st. The pickets will be restored and reinstalled as part of the new fence. After the playground has been dismantled, the Town will begin site work. Leather's will begin constructing the new playground in April and May of 2023. We hope to unveil the new playground at the end of May, but the exact timing will depend on the winter and spring weather. We will continue to update this section as more information becomes available.

    Will there be volunteer opportunities?

    YES! The Town will be looking for community volunteers to help spread mulch and re-install pickets. We will distribute a volunteer sign-up sheet later this spring when we can nail down dates and times.