Are all roads in Town involved?
No. Only certain roads in the project area will be impacted. Please see the map in the Project Documents section for further details.
Why is the Town implementing lower speeds downtown?
The Town is implementing lower speed limits downtown to improve safety for bicyclists, pedestrians, and other vulnerable users. Studies have shown that crashes at higher speeds result in more severe outcomes.
How can I get lower speed limits in my neighborhood?
Please share your feedback using the Questions feature at the bottom of the project page. Questions and comments will reach Town staff.
What is the Town doing besides lowering speed limits to address safety?
Enforcement measures and robust public education components will be part of this initiative.
In addition to this initiative, the Town is adding sidewalks, bicycle lanes, crosswalks, green paint, and multi-use trails town-wide where feasible, to help improve bicycle and pedestrian safety. Many of these are required as part of the development process.
Examples of ongoing multimodal projects include completing the North Main Trail from the Blacksburg New School to the Blacksburg Christian Fellowship, and the construction of the Meadowbrook Trail from Heritage Park to the parking lot at McDonald Hollow.
Will this change cause traffic delays on Main Street?
Town staff worked with a traffic engineering firm to determine that the new speed limits will not significantly impact Main Street signal timing. Analysis results indicate very minor impacts on delays, levels of service, and queues at intersections and for the vehicular turning movements along the Downtown/Main Street road network. Overall intersection delays are projected to vary typically by less than 1.5 seconds, with individual movements projected to vary typically by less than 2.5 seconds. Queues are projected to vary typically by less than one vehicle. Minor modifications will be made to the signals once the initiative is implemented, to address these and to optimize traffic flow through the downtown area.
Studies show that decreasing speed limits over short distances adds very little additional travel time. The minor travel time added should be mitigated by the potential safety benefits of lower speeds for all road users.
I own a business within the proposed project area(s). How will this affect my business?
Slower speed limits can benefit businesses by creating safer, pedestrian-friendly environments. Lower speed limits also provide opportunities for increased foot traffic and improved customer accessibility within retail spaces. A safer environment can attract more residents and visitors to an area, ultimately contributing to a more vibrant economy.
Streets that are more inviting for walkers and bikers are more vibrant and can be more economically successful than streets with fast-moving traffic.
When people drive slower through a business district, they are better able to see the dining and retail options. It can also make it easier to stop and park, and visit a business.
I am a resident within the proposed project area(s). How will this affect me?
Lower street speeds in residential areas allow for safer environments for vulnerable road users like walkers and bikers. Residents will notice slightly slower vehicular traffic speeds while in the proposed project area(s).
Is this related to the School Zone Speed Enforcement initiative?
No, this is not part of the School Zone initiative; photo enforcement is not proposed. Please visit the School Zone Speed Enforcement Let's Talk Blacksburg page for information on this initiative.