Looking around us

I think pulling from some of the best playgrounds around would be great for Blacksburg! We travel to better play places now. Such as the addy grace playgorund by the YMCA in Daleville, Fishburn Park elementary playground in Roanoke is amazing and always has a bunch of families after school of all ages because their slides are better than any I’ve ever come across ! And then rotary park in Johnston city is amazing and always super crowded because the splash pad they have in the corner ! Pulling from those designs with the water at rotary,the tall slides at Fishburn and the inclusivity of addy grace you could put together a place for the entire community to use & would be used way more than now!!

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alainacoppa about 2 years ago
Though I've never been there, Possibility Playground https://possibilityplayground.org/ seems like a nice balance of what we have today, with some of the newer more accessible playgrounds + some nature based play with sand and water. 
Share Though I've never been there, Possibility Playground https://possibilityplayground.org/ seems like a nice balance of what we have today, with some of the newer more accessible playgrounds + some nature based play with sand and water.  on Facebook Share Though I've never been there, Possibility Playground https://possibilityplayground.org/ seems like a nice balance of what we have today, with some of the newer more accessible playgrounds + some nature based play with sand and water.  on Twitter Share Though I've never been there, Possibility Playground https://possibilityplayground.org/ seems like a nice balance of what we have today, with some of the newer more accessible playgrounds + some nature based play with sand and water.  on Linkedin Email Though I've never been there, Possibility Playground https://possibilityplayground.org/ seems like a nice balance of what we have today, with some of the newer more accessible playgrounds + some nature based play with sand and water.  link